3D Pen

A 3D pen is a handheld device that extrudes heated plastic, which cools and hardens almost instantly, allowing users to draw in three dimensions. Think of it as a fusion between a traditional pen and a 3D printer. This tool lets students build objects layer by layer, fostering a tangible connection to their designs and ideas.

  • 3D Pen
  • Pen holder
  • User manual
  • USB power cable
  • Filament PLA (Polylactic Acid)

Key Features

  • Ergonomic Design: Comfortable to hold, allowing for extended use without strain.
  • Adjustable Speed and Temperature: Fine-tune the extrusion speed and temperature for different filament types and detailed work.
  • PLA Filament Compatibility: Works with eco-friendly PLA filaments that are safer and produce less odor.
  • LED Screen: Shows real-time information about temperature and speed settings.
  • Lightweight and Portable: Weighs only 65 grams, making it easy to handle and transport.
  • Easy to use: 3D pens are typically designed with simplicity in mind, making them easy for users of all skill levels to pick up and start creating.
  • Auto Shutdown: Ensures safety by automatically shutting down after a period of inactivity.
  • Nozzle: Provides a safer experience, reducing the risk of burns or injuries.

Learning Outcomes

  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: This tool encourages out-of-the-box thinking, allowing students to experiment with design and function in a low-risk environment.
  • Improved Fine Motor Skills: Manipulating a 3D pen enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, particularly beneficial for younger learners.
  • Exploring Structures and Systems: Students can create models of biological structures, chemical compounds, or physical systems, enhancing their understanding through tangible, 3D representations.
  • Hands-On Experimentation: Constructing scientific models with a 3D pen provides a deeper grasp of complex concepts such as molecular geometry, anatomical parts, and even simple machines.
  • Hands-On Math Applications: Creating models with precise measurements and angles allows students to apply mathematical principles in real-world contexts.
  • Creative Expression: The 3D pen serves as a unique medium for artistic creation, enabling students to craft sculptures, jewellery, and decorative art in a three-dimensional space.